How are you doing today?
I guess I'm doing good today, just not happy with this super-hot weather! A
cold coffee would've worked better with this but your
The father of the boy next door is doing all his household chores
because his mother and wife are both covid positive.
I told myself a hundred and a thousand times that I shouldn't be
touching this topic, the world is already full of news and negativity about
Covid, I wouldn't want to be one more person adding to the list of people.
Honestly, I'm not here to talk about the symptoms, the negativity, the
scams, etc. but I'm here to talk about how are people trying to deal with it.
If there are thousands of people who are trying to corrupt the nation
even in this pandemic then there are hundreds of people leaving their safe
homes and are moving out to help strangers just because they have pure
intentions and an even pure soul.
If there are people who chose to stay quiet then there are so many of them
working silently.
There are men who never took a glass of water from the kitchen for themselves
who are now doing every single household chore to keep their families safe.
There are people who quit alcohol and smoking just for the sake of their
family's safety.
There are people going to covid centers and meeting recovering patients
trying to make each one of them smile and laugh even if it is just for a little
This world is not the best place to live in right now but, we should
know that there are people trying to make it a better place by oozing out their
We should keep everyone in our prayers right now, even the ones we hate.
Sunshine, take care of everyone possible,
Try and stay safe.
I know this is not a long letter but let us make it a positive one.
I am here for you Sunshine,
and I'm proud of you.
Take care,
With loads and loads of love,
and positivity,
Yours Self
All Prayers. Take Care Simran.