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Showing posts from April 29, 2019


Blurb: In her much-anticipated debut poetry collection, Sonia has portrayed a rebel through words.  Silent Defiance  is an open refusal to everything that hurts the soul  . It is the journey of discovering self through the jagged path of  self-love , passion  and  empowerment . There is a yell, a cry, a scream in response to every ache, break and quake destructing our realm of peace and when these are silenced, the words incarnate the rebel. This resistance embarks towards the journey of empowerment through the jagged path of self-love with the eyes brimmed with passion and the hearts seeking the supreme desire of discovering self. My review: The book self defiance is a collection of short stories. A must read for people looking for some motivation in their lives. It teaches you the real meaning of life. The title and cover do justice with the book. A must read for all the poetry lovers. My ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.


Blurb: Kartik fell in love with Ashima the very first time he saw her. She was everything he had ever imagined in his dream girl – his angel. As their friendship blossomed into deep love, culminating into marriage, he became her teddy, her confidant and an eternal support. But in trying to be with her, Kartik made a choice that broke his father’s heart and hopes. As Kartik and Ashima gear up to step into the next Phase of their relationship, life seems like an overload of joy and love. He is confident his love for Ashima will win over all odds, even his father. Little did he know that things were going to change drastically, forever. Why does Ashima marry someone else? Why does Kartik accept it silently? And why is life so unpredictable? This is a story of deep love that knows no bounds, relationships that break all barriers, and a promise – I am always here with you. My review: Honestly, this book made me cry. There are very few novels which actually make me go all emot...


Blurb: An  epic love story  set against the background of conflict between two warring nations, surrounded by political intrigue, betrayal and jealousy. In the barren hinterland of Jahar,  Shikhanderi  an orphan warrior is grappling with the conflict of his beliefs and the actions perpetrated by his mentor, the dark lord  Karmachakra . In Aranghya, the capital kingdom of the prosperous Bandahar Empire,  Emperor Mithilesh  awaits the arrival of his nemesis, who brings the promise of certain death. All hell breaks loose when  Ishanya , the beautiful daughter of Aranghya’s royal adviser, is secretly banished to Jahar. The  voice of paradise beckons the scion of hell  as the fierce Shikhanderi is drawn to Ishanya, an innocent pawn in the power-politics of Bandahar. Surrounded by a maze of deceit and duplicity, will Shikhanderi and Ishanya's love ever see light in the darkness that is Jahar? Will Shikhanderi’s search for his ide...


Blurb: Everyone tells a story. Some inside their own head. Few to the whole world. Urban lights is a collection of poignant and heart-warming stories of various people and their lives. Loss or gain, love or pain, joy or sorrow, these are slices of lives that leave an enduring impression on their souls. Stories, which if untold will render the characters anguished. Written by Vishal Anand after the huge success of 37 plus grace marks and emotions Unplugged, urban lights takes you on a breezy journey. A journey of simple souls. A journey of simple emotions. A journey of simple affairs. And, the journey assures to feel good. My review: I have read both of his previous books and will be providing a link to buy them down below because they were really good. Now this book is an amazing collection of short stories. Depicts every emotion in a beautiful manner. I wish you luck Vishal. May this journey of simple emotions, simple affairs and simple souls reach many as many peop...


Blurb: उन सात सालों मे जब , तेंदुलकर भगवान बना , भारत ने उदारीकरण की राह पकड़ी , केबल टीवी का जन्म हुआ , बाबरी मस्जिद ढही , राजीव गाँधी की हत्या हुई , दिव्या भारती की मृत्यु हुई , हर्षद मेहता ने घोटाला किया | उन सात सालों में , ग्यारह से अठारह साल की उम्र के बच्चे क्या सोचते थे ? ' हॉफ टिकट घोड़े ' उन्हीं सात सालों की कहानी है। यह इतनी दिलचस्प हो सकती है , बिल्कुल अहसास नहीं था। इरादा था उस उम्र के बाल मनोविज्ञान को पकड़ना। ये किया तो क्यों किया , वो कहा तो क्यों कहा। बहुत सारे विवाद है , झड़पें हैं। डर है कि मसले जो अब सुलझ चुके हैं , उन्हें कहीं मैं फिर से उलझा न लूँ। स्वार्थ है , पार्थ ! निरा स्वार्थ | My review: A story filled with nostalgia. It takes the reader to the life lived in a hostel. All in all a great story. And a must read for all the ones who’ve lived or are currently living in a hostel. My ratings: 4 out of 5 stars.


Blurb: चाय बागानों के ढलान से उतरकर महीन खुशबू सी नौ बरस की सस्सी , जब हर रोज़ महंती बाबू से मिलती तो उनकी दी हुई चमकीली पन्नी में लिपटी लॉलीपॉप पाकर बेहद ख़ुश हो जाती। लेकिन रिवायत की शर्त के चलते उसे दार्जिलिंग से दूर हॉस्टल जाना पड़ा और इस ख़बर ने महंती बाबू को वहाँ भेज दिया जहाँ से कोई लौटकर नहीं आता। सस्सी ने उनकी याद को दिल के किसी अनजान कोने में द़फ्ना दिया। नतीजतन , उनकी शक्ल ज़ेहन में कहीं खो गई जिसे वह तमाम उम्र तस्वीरों में उकेरने की कोशिश करती रही। उम्र जवाँ हुई तो तक़दीर ने भी अंगड़ाई ली , सस्सी ने खुद को सिक्किम की बाहों में पाया। जहाँ एक फौजी अ़फसर उसकी ज़िन्दगी में शामिल तो हुआ लेकिन त़कदीर का हिस्सा न बन सका। सस्सी ने सिक्किम से दामन छुड़ाया तो दिल्ली ने हाथ पकड़ लिया। हँसता - खेलता राज उसकी ज़िन्दगी में बतौर फ्लैटमेट दा़िखल हुआ। जो एक मजबूरी का नतीजा था , और साथ ही एक ऐसा अजीबो - गरीब इत्ति़फा़क जिसकी कड़ियाँ तारी...