Hello Sunshine How have you been? Enjoying the lockdown or still waiting for the day you will go out and fly high in the sky without any mask on your face and sanitizer in your hands? I know it is tough for you and everyone else out there but, you’ve got to live with this Sunshine. You need to lead a life with minimum interaction with others and start doing new things which will benefit you and the world too. Sunshine, you will never get where you are going if you keep looking over your shoulder for the approval of people you are leaving behind. This society approves of those, who are worthy in their eyes and everyone has a different perspective, a different point of view, a different mindset, then why worry about their approval or their disapproval, can’t you be selfish when it comes to you? Aren’t you confident about yourself? Aren’t you confident about what you think about yourself and your decisions, aren’t you confident about them? Sunshine, even if you fail because...
This blog is for those readers and reviewers who love novels. I review novels for every writer. Feel free to gift me a novel.