Adventures of Pupu is a collection of eight short stories lived by a father that has been characterized by a son named Pupu.
The father (author) thinks that the age, time and independence that he has lived he can’t give it to his son. And so, he has become a storyteller to narrate all his childhood fancies and mysteries.
My Review: Children's books are meant for children so they are simple but the message given behind each book is so deep that it directly is for us.
The book follows short stories about the adventurous lifestyle of a cute little boy named as Pupu.
All the stories are quite different from each other. The protagonist is shown really well, his innocence is kept throughout the book.
I also liked his father's caring nature. The title is apt and the cover is really cute & lovable.
The stories are really short with a moral & gives a very deep meaning. The book has illustrations which make it look more real at times. Language is easy & the book is perfect for everyone.
I recommend this book because it's a good one & also it's a short read.
I'd rate this one 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 stars
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